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Home > Specific Neutered Young FND

Specific Neutered Young FND


Specific Neutered Young FND |

Neutered kittens have lower energy requirements, and a slightly increased risk of developing urinary stones. They need a food with plenty of the nutrients required for growth, but with a reduced energy content to prevent obesity. The food must also be specially formulated to prevent urinary stones. Specific Neutered Young FND is an optimal food specially developed for growing kittens who have been spayed or neutered.

Specific Neutered Young FND contains increased protein, vitamin and mineral content to meet the needs of growing kittens. . This food encourages a moderately reduced urinary pH, which, combined with low levels of magnesium and phosphorus, reduces the formation of struvite crystals. This also helps support a healthy urinary tract, growth, and a healthy acid-base balance in young kittens. . DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid that supports brain development and vision. The combination of EPA and Omega-3 fatty acids supports the development of healthy skin, coat and joints. . Yucca extract reduces the production of malodorous gases and the smell of faeces..

Manufacturer: Dechra

Seller: BasiCare BV

Specific Neutered Young FND - 2 Kg |

Specific Neutered Young FND - 2 Kg


In Stock


Neutered kittens have lower energy requirements, and a slightly increased risk of developing urinary stones. They need a food with plenty of the nutrients required for growth, but with a reduced energy content to prevent obesity. The food must also be specially formulated to prevent urinary stones. Specific Neutered Young FND is an optimal food specially developed for growing kittens who have been spayed or neutered.

Specific Neutered Young FND contains increased protein, vitamin and mineral content to meet the needs of growing kittens. . This food encourages a moderately reduced urinary pH, which, combined with low levels of magnesium and phosphorus, reduces the formation of struvite crystals. This also helps support a healthy urinary tract, growth, and a healthy acid-base balance in young kittens. . DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid that supports brain development and vision. The combination of EPA and Omega-3 fatty acids supports the development of healthy skin, coat and joints. . Yucca extract reduces the production of malodorous gases and the smell of faeces..

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