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Home > Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat

Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat


Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat |

Phytonics Multivit is a balanced, easy to administer food supplement suitable for everyday use. This complex strengthens, improves vitality, stimulates endurance and increases performance. It has a beneficial effect on overall health and vitality. It supports and protects healthy cells and tissues, and the added minerals maintain acid-alkali balance (pH) and body hydration. Also suitable as a structural constituent of various tissues, as a constituent of certain enzymes and hormones, and as a catalyst in a number of bodily functions. The absorption of certain nutrients is promoted by minerals.

Manufacturer: NML Health

Seller: Thirdstreet BV

Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat - 100 Gr |

Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat - 100 Gr


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Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat - 250 Gr |

Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat - 250 Gr


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Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat /Horse - 800 Gr |

Phytonics Multivit Dog/Cat /Horse - 800 Gr


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Phytonics Multivit is a balanced, easy to administer food supplement suitable for everyday use. This complex strengthens, improves vitality, stimulates endurance and increases performance. It has a beneficial effect on overall health and vitality. It supports and protects healthy cells and tissues, and the added minerals maintain acid-alkali balance (pH) and body hydration. Also suitable as a structural constituent of various tissues, as a constituent of certain enzymes and hormones, and as a catalyst in a number of bodily functions. The absorption of certain nutrients is promoted by minerals.

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