8 Steps to Clean Your Dog’s Teeth Properly
Just like it is for humans, brushing is an important activity for canines because it cleans plaque, which leads to problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. Luckily, you don’t have to visit the vet to clean your dog’s teeth properly. By following these eight steps, you will be able to do it from the comfort of your home.
Buy a toothbrush and toothpaste
Visit nearby pet stores or online pet supply websites to purchase a toothbrush for your canine. The toothbrush should have a long and curved handle so that you can reach all the teeth. You can also buy flavored toothpaste that is dog-friendly. Never use your toothpaste in your canine’s mouth because it isn’t suitable.
Select a time for brushing
Once you have bought the equipment for brushing the teeth of your canine, you need to pick a time where your canine is relaxed and calm. You can brush your canine’s teeth after you have taken it for a walk because it won’t have the energy to make your life difficult.
Choose a location
You need to pick a location in your house that has enough space and lighting so that your canine is comfortable. If you have enough space in your bathroom, you can choose to brush your canine’s teeth over there. Otherwise, you can always do it in your backyard.
Make your canine comfortable
You need to ensure your canine is comfortable with getting its teeth brushed. First, you need to sit or kneel beside your canine so that it doesn’t feel threatened. Then, you need to touch the teeth and gums of your canine with your fingers till it feels comfortable.
Taste test
Give your canine a sample of the toothpaste so that it gets used to the texture and taste. You can also see which flavor of toothpaste your canine likes. Also, you can give toothpaste as a reward for good behavior.
Brush the front part of the teeth
First, you need to focus on brushing the front part of your canine’s teeth. The bristles should reach the gums when you are brushing its teeth. Brush each tooth for at least two to three seconds before moving on to the next one.
Brush back part of the teeth
If your canine doesn’t have any problem with brushing, you can brush the inside part of its teeth. At first, it will be challenging as it is harder to brush the inside part. Make sure your canine is comfortable and calm when you are doing this.
Treats and praise
Once you have finished brushing your canine’s teeth, give it a couple of treats. You can also praise your canine for being a good dog during the entire procedure. When you do this, your canine will look forward to more brushing sessions.